An explanation of how Peer coaching supports change management culture.


Wellness (without excess baggage of anxiety, depression, stress) is the energy level we need in community service to cope, keep learning and adapting to change.

“The solution focused approach that we take, and what I love about peer coaching, is you don't just feel more connected through these conversations to your Peer Coach, I think you feel more connected to the organization as a whole, but I also think you feel more connected to yourself. You know your current state and where you are, so all of it from a learning perspective that feeling of connection again will drive actions towards leaning into, learning, and implementing and taking risks and not being afraid to fail forward a little bit - so it's all connected that way” – Peer Coach

A scientific explanation to how Peer coaching supports change management? Meaningful relationships produce oxytocin - that neurological response, and what that does is it actually makes it easier to connect, to make you want to bond to people, it opens up trust.  You feel better, inspired, energized, refreshed and that's because oxytocin has been released.

Peer Coaching is a professional relationship so there is trust, deep trust, but with boundaries between co-workers.  

Processing emotions and having the trust of a Peer Coach relationship -those two things alone are incredibly powerful, and then being able to identify what's one action they're going to take to actually take, to move themselves forward to be part of the change gives them (Staff) that sense of hope as well. 45 to 60 minutes of oxytocin - and it's amazing what happens.

When your actual whole mindset shifts, and if I’m in this mindset, I'm so much more open to meeting a new person not feeling threatened by them — I'm hearing about a change and embracing it.

This is the key to change management that works in our times of challenge.

- The above is a conversation transcribed from a Panel Discussion presented by Peer Coach, Aaron Hurst, founder and CEO of Imperative with Gretchen Murphy, CHRO of Service Express, June, 2022.


 “Building a user-focused People organization” “Employee fulfillment and retention in (perceived) unpredictability by preparing for change in advance.” “Fostering strong relationships through cultural alignment across the organization team.” “Talking about what is working and what isn’t working to help people.” “Focusing on development and learning even in times of stress and transition is energizing and positive.” “Culture is most important in a team to avoid fatigue.” “Allow being honest with our emotions when we put on a brave face in times of challenge.”