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Where can you find a Peer Supporter ?
Overdose/Drug Poisoning Prevention Line
Kim (left) and Founder, Rebecca
NORS (the National Overdose Prevention Line)
Telephone: 1-888-688-NORS (6677) or the Brave App to talk and be safe.
Canada Suicide Prevention Telephone: 833-456-4566
Peer Support Out-of-Homelessness
Elizabeth - Peer Supporter and Peer Support Trainer
Mentor/Mentee Canada. Telephone: 647-562-0483
Listening, empowerment, problem solving , moving forward. Read more about Mentor/Mentee Canada.
Violence Against Women Community Peers
WomenatthecentrE Become a Member. Connect in Peer-to-Peer empowerment from Gender-based Violence.
Women’s Assault Telephone: 1-866-863-0511 (Toronto: 416-863-0571)
Substance Use Harm Reduction Peer Support
Supportive, knowledgeable and friendly Peers here: St. Michael’s Hospital RAAM Clinic;
RAAM Peer Support Group at Sunnybrook Hospital; Sound Times S.M.A.R.T. program; Relapse Prevention Group at OASIS - The Neighbourhood Group’s Peer Leadership Centre .
Mental Health Wellness Peer Support
Support House’s Centre for Innovation in Peer Support. Substance use and Mental Health nurturing and educational daily Peer groups.
Hope + Me Peer Support groups.
Peer Support Warm LIne: Krasman Centre Telephone: 1-888-777-0979.
The Ontario Caregiver Organization: Peer Support for Caregivers.
Youth Peer Support
Peers and Peer Supporters at Stella’s Place Bean Bag Chat, Mosaic BIPOC group, more.
Lumenus Peer Support to come!
LOFT Transitional Age Youth (TAY) Peer Support Program
Covenant House Traffik Stop, Shelter, Education/Employment Peers
Friends of Ruby 2SLGBTQIA Peer Drop-In
Peer Support Community
Do you have a Peer recommended, Peer-led service you want to share? Reach out here! Welcoming new support, inspiration and empowerment for Toronto Peers.
Toronto Hospital Peer Supporters
In Emergency Units: Mount Sinai Hospital (Youth); North York General Hospital; Trillium Health Partners (Credit Valley).
Inpatient and Outpatient: CAMH Hospital (Emergency now at 1051 Queen St. West, Toronto).
Inpatient: St. Michael’s Urban Angel Hospital RAAM Clinic, and more.